Restorative Workshop with Face Yoga

Christmas Edition

Start your Christmas season by gifting yourself an opportunity to become more present, peaceful, and connected. You will get a chance to try Face Yoga, wrapped harmoniously into Restorative Yoga practice, with slow breathing to calm your nervous system, and closed eyes to turn the gaze inward.

Restorative yoga segment will include a handful of still and restful poses, supported with bolsters, blocks and blankets. Towards the middle of this workshop, we’ll sit up comfortably for face yoga exercises, designed to stimulate, and mobilize fascia, improve blood circulation, and blood flow, as well as releasing any stagnant energy from many muscles of the face, head, neck, and torso. We’ll close this session with another restorative yoga pose to help you absorb and assimilate all the effects and benefits.

Bring you cozy socks to keep warm, and if you have dry skin, bring some face oil.

Om Laima Mimo

Laima Mimo

Laima beskriver sin tilgang til yoga:

"Practicing since 2004 and teaching Yoga since 2014, I keep learning and combining teachings from India, Denmark, Thailand, England and Canada.

My style is ever evolving as I am learning and discovering more about yoga and human anatomy. Starting with Iyengar, Hatha and Vinyasa, adding Mindfulness and Yin, I stay curious about the origins of Yoga and the millennia old philosophy, as well as most recent science.

Yoga Asana for me is a vessel or a frame, where breath, growth and healing happens. I use yoga as therapy for understanding how the body works, how mind connects to it through breath, focus and movement.

My practice got a pivotal shift in 2017, when I came across Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy and Bodywork, followed by embodied anatomy, biomechanics and biotensegrity, which took my understanding of body, movement, learning and teaching to a hole new plane. Now the journey continues…"



Dato og tid
Lør 09.12.2023 14:00-16:00

Laima Mimo

FOKUS, Strandvejen 19
9000 Aalborg

Lila 1


209,- Almen
95,- FOKUS Fitness medlem
129,- YOGA HUSET Medlem

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